Three dashboards every HubSpot portal needs

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In the fast-paced world of sales and marketing, having the right tools at your disposal can make all the difference. HubSpot, with its powerful CRM capabilities, is a game-changer, but to truly leverage its potential, you need the right dashboards in place.

This article will guide you through the three essential dashboards every HubSpot portal needs: the data integrity dashboard, which ensures your data is accurate and reliable; the user adoption dashboard, which tracks and encourages engagement with the platform; and the training dashboard, which supports continuous learning and skill development for your team.

With these dashboards, you can optimize your processes, drive user engagement, and maintain high data quality, setting the stage for success.

HubSpot Dashboard 1: Data Integrity Dashboard

The data integrity dashboard is a crucial tool within your HubSpot portal that focuses on maintaining the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of your data. This dashboard provides a comprehensive view of key metrics such as data completeness, duplicate records, data formatting issues, and outdated information. By offering real-time insights and automated alerts, the data integrity dashboard ensures that your CRM data remains clean and actionable, enabling your team to make informed decisions based on trustworthy information.

Value add:

The value of the data integrity dashboard lies in its ability to safeguard the quality of your CRM data, which is the foundation of all your sales and marketing efforts. Clean, reliable data enhances the effectiveness of your campaigns, improves customer relationships, and drives more accurate reporting and forecasting. By identifying and addressing data issues promptly, this dashboard helps you avoid costly errors, streamline operations, and build a solid base for strategic decision-making. Ultimately, a robust data integrity dashboard empowers your team to work more efficiently and effectively, maximizing the return on your HubSpot investment.

Reports to include:

  • Contacts without names (first or last): This report identifies contacts in your CRM missing either a first or last name, ensuring all entries have complete identity information.
  • Contacts by owner without email: This report highlights contacts assigned to owners but lacking an email address, crucial for effective communication and follow-up.
  • Contacts with no company: This report lists contacts that are not associated with any company, helping to ensure all contacts are linked to relevant organizations.
  • Contacts with a hard bounce reason: This report displays contacts whose emails have hard bounced, indicating invalid email addresses that need to be corrected or removed.
  • Contacts with no owner: This report identifies contacts that are not assigned to any team member, ensuring every contact has a responsible owner for follow-up.
  • Contacts with no activity by owner: This report shows contacts assigned to owners but with no recorded activities, highlighting potential neglect or inactivity in engagement.
  • Deals with no contacts or companies associated: This report identifies deals that are not linked to any contacts or companies, ensuring all deals are properly associated for accurate tracking and management.
  • Deals without activity in last 30 days: This report lists deals that have had no activity in the past 30 days, helping to identify and address stalled opportunities.
  • Stale deals by owner: This report highlights deals that have not progressed within a specified timeframe, categorized by owner, to help identify and revive stagnant deals.
  • Companies with no domain name: This report identifies companies that are missing a domain name, which is essential for accurate data and streamlined communications.
  • Companies with no contact by owner: This report lists companies that have no associated contacts, categorized by owner, ensuring all companies have the necessary points of contact for engagement.

HubSpot Dashboard 2: User Adoption

The user adoption dashboard is a pivotal tool designed to track and enhance the engagement levels of your team within the HubSpot platform. This dashboard provides a clear view of key adoption metrics such as login frequency, feature usage, and task completion rates by user. By monitoring these indicators, the user adoption dashboard helps you understand how effectively your team is utilizing HubSpot's features, identifies areas where additional training may be needed, and highlights top performers. This comprehensive overview ensures that you can take proactive steps to drive consistent and widespread use of the platform across your organization.

Value add:

The user adoption dashboard adds significant value by ensuring that your investment in HubSpot is fully leveraged. High user adoption rates translate to better data entry, more accurate reporting, and more efficient use of the platform’s tools, leading to improved sales and marketing outcomes. By identifying users who may be struggling or underutilizing the system, you can provide targeted support and training, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and proficiency. Moreover, recognizing and rewarding top users can boost morale and encourage best practices. Ultimately, the user adoption dashboard helps maximize the return on your CRM investment by driving comprehensive and effective platform utilization.

Reports to include:

  • Calendar connection status: This report shows the connection status of users' calendars, ensuring seamless scheduling and integration with HubSpot.
  • Email connection status: This report tracks the status of users' email connections to HubSpot, vital for email tracking and communication efficiency.
  • User seats distribution: This report displays how user seats are allocated across your organization, helping to manage licenses and access.
  • Scheduling pages active: This report lists active scheduling pages created by users, providing insight into the adoption of scheduling features.
  • Invite status: This report shows the status of user invitations, indicating which invites have been accepted, pending, or declined.
  • No activity for more than 60 days: This report identifies users who have not engaged with the platform for over 60 days, highlighting potential disengagement.
  • Users broken down by team: This report categorizes users by their respective teams, offering a clear view of team-specific platform adoption and activity.
  • Users broken down by permission sets: This report organizes users based on their permission sets, helping to ensure appropriate access and security levels.
  • Users broken down by access: This report details user access levels within HubSpot, providing an overview of how different roles are utilizing the platform.

HubSpot Dashboard 3: Training Dashboard

The training dashboard is an essential component of your HubSpot portal, designed to host and organize external training documents, ensuring your team has easy access to valuable learning resources. This dashboard provides an overview of key training metrics such as course completion rates, progress tracking, and user engagement with training materials. By centralizing all training content, including video tutorials, PDFs, and external links, the training dashboard simplifies the process of upskilling your team and ensures everyone has the resources they need to master HubSpot's features. When your training dashboard is up and running you can easily email the entire dashboard (along with a link to it in HubSpot) to a new team member to ensure they can get up and running quickly.


Value add:

The training dashboard adds tremendous value by facilitating continuous learning and development within your organization. By hosting external training documents and providing detailed insights into training progress, this dashboard helps ensure that all team members are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to use HubSpot effectively. Enhanced training leads to higher proficiency, better utilization of the platform’s tools, and ultimately, improved performance across sales and marketing efforts. Additionally, tracking training engagement and completion allows you to identify areas where further support or additional resources may be needed, fostering a culture of growth and continuous improvement.

Reports to include:

With this dashboard you will most likely not be adding standard reports like you would other dashboards. What you add will depend on what you are requiring your specific team to know. Here are a few YouTube playlists created by HubSpot that you can search through for content relevant to your team.

Once you have found (or created) a video that you would like for your team to train on feel free to embed it on your training dashboard by selecting Actions --> Add external content --> YouTube. Or if you have a video file you would like to upload select Actions --> Add images, text or video and upload your video there!