Inbound 2024 in Review

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inbound 2024 in review

HubSpot's Inbound 2024 conference has come to a close, leaving us excited and inspired by the vast array of new product updates, AI innovations, and strategic insights presented. We understand how crucial it is to stay ahead of the curve, and that's why our team at Pyxis has sifted through the hundreds of announcements to bring you the most impactful highlights.

From advanced AI tools like Breeze Copilot to enhanced CRM capabilities, this year’s event focused on empowering businesses with cutting-edge solutions to drive efficiency, engagement, and growth. Below, we’ve compiled a summary of the key takeaways to help you navigate the changes and make the most of these new tools.

Product Updates

There are literally hundreds of product updates from Inbound 2024, but here is a brief description of the headlining product updates announced this year.

Breeze Copilot and Agents

Breeze Copilot - A tool that follows you out throughout HubSpot and allows you to quickly research valuable information about your customers, edit and update text on your landing pages and much more.

Social Agent - Give a small blurb about your business/target audience and it will give you social media posts to engage your audience. These will also give you platform specific posts (Instagram, Facebook, X, LinkedIn)

  • If you use Marketing Events you can generate posts based off of the event criteria.
  • Creates Educational posts - based off of your website content that already exists
  • Social Agent can recognize top performing posts/content and help you to repeat your success

Breeze Intelligence

Breeze Intelligence uses large language models (LLMs) and artificial intelligence (AI) to unify data from public data, data from third-party vendors, and data from across the internet. HubSpot normalizes and categorizes data we collect to create up-to-date company and buyer profiles. Here are some key features:

  • Data enrichment - HubSpot had a number of data enrichment from LinkedIn, but the new enrichment features map to current news stories and more than 30 data points to help your team make the best decisions as they reach out to potential buyers.
  • Buyer intent - This feature helps you laser focus in on your target markets inside of HubSpot’s smart CRM. You can set up your intent criteria based off of things like viewing your product page or visiting specific landing pages on your website. You can see which companies are already in your CRM and add the ones that aren’t in yet through the data enrichment solution.
  • Form shortening - Getting people to submit forms can be hard, but HubSpot form shortening allows your forms to expedite the submission process by not requiring your customers to re-fill out information that you already have.

Marketing and Content Hub

Lead Scoring:

  • Contact Engagement Score - You can now add Marketing Email Opens, Ad Clicks, Marketing Event Attendance and so much more
  • Contact Fit Score - This lead scoring tool allows you to look at potential customers demographics in order to help prioritize your marketing efforts and outreach

AI Case Studies (Content Hub):

In the time it takes you to select a company record from inside your CRM, write a brief description of what you want to highlight the case study, and upload any supporting media HubSpot AI Case Studies can create an incredible first draft case study that highlights how your company is succeeding and bringing value to its customers.

New betas

In September alone there were over 50 new beta releases inside of the HubSpot ecosystem. Here are a few highlights to check out and make sure that you are enrolled in. As a reminder to enroll in new betas go to the top right corner of your HubSpot Portal → Click the dropdown with your company name → Click Product Updates.

  • Store highly sensitive data in HubSpot Smart CRM - HubSpot Super Admins can now create highly sensitive properties with enhanced security features, including click-to-decrypt functionality and additional access restrictions, to safely store sensitive information like SSNs or bank account numbers.
  • Breeze Intelligence - Breeze Intelligence, a new HubSpot product in public beta, offers automated data enrichment for contact and company records, buyer intent insights, and form shortening capabilities to enhance go-to-market strategies.
  • AI powered Gibberish Spam Detection in form submissions - HubSpot now offers AI-powered gibberish detection for select form fields to identify and flag nonsensical submissions.
  • Required Association Labels for Manual Record Creation - Admins can now mandate specific or general association labels for various object types when reps manually create new records.
  • AI-Powered File & Image Search - AI-powered content analysis now automatically generates descriptions and tags for public files, enabling natural language search for easier file retrieval.
  • Smart Content for CTAs - You can now create Smart Content variations for CTAs directly within the new CTA editor, enabling more personalized experiences for your website visitors.
  • Primary Campaigns data source now available in the Custom Report Builder - HubSpot introduces a new 'Campaigns' data source in the Custom Report Builder, enabling detailed campaign performance analysis with custom properties and associated asset data.
  • Workflow Enrollment Anomalies Identified by HubSpot AI - HubSpot now automatically detects unusual changes to workflow enrollment rates using AI, and customers can choose to receive notifications if enrollment rates change for particular workflows.
  • Introducing the Sales Workspace - The prospecting workspace has been expanded into a comprehensive sales workspace, allowing salespeople to manage their entire sales funnel from a single location.
  • Content assistant in HubDB rich text fields - Marketers can now utilize the AI content assistant inside rich text cells in HubDB, enabling customers utilizing HubDB to create and publish content to generate content via AI.
  • Custom quick filters on index pages - Add and save custom quick filters to contact, company, deal, ticket, and custom object views.
  • Marketing Analytics suite - designed to streamline key marketing metrics and reports into one place, consolidates all marketing channels and insights into distinct sections
  • Recommended product updates - View a list of product updates curated based on their team's usage of HubSpot.
  • Sales Hub Everywhere - while prospecting this extension allows you to create or view existing companies, enroll in a sequence, send emails, etc. from any page on the internet. You can even use Copilot.

This is merely scratching the surface of what HubSpot has introduced at Inbound 2024. If you have questions on these new products we would be more than happy to walk you through use cases and how they apply to your business.

AI Product Introductions

For those that haven't used it, AI can seem confusing and overwhelming. With HubSpot’s Fall product roll-out of Breeze, it can be hard to differentiate which product is best for which application. Below are some short explanations of the three main Breeze features that are all new to HubSpot.

Breeze Copilot

Copilot is essentially having ChatGPT inside of HubSpot. It’s able to reference your database to answer questions, help complete tasks, generate content, build reports and more. While it has a library of prompts to start with, you can experiment with your own prompts and use it for general support questions as well. More info here.

Breeze Agents

Agents are AI-powered assistants that are designed for specific tasks. HubSpot is working to expand their catalog of agents, but have released three main agents to start:

  • Social and Content Agents: These agents are able to analyze your performance, company details, audience, industry, and market trends to develop high-performing content such as landing pages, blog posts and even podcasts. It’s also able to repurpose existing content into other forms (for example, using a blog to generate social posts).
  • Prospecting Agent: This agent can help:
  • Identify companies and contacts in your CRM that match your Ideal Customer Profile and target persona.
    • Research each company and contact, and write personalized emails based on your data.
    • Select the best outreach strategy and auto-send emails. The prospecting agent can also manually assign or auto-enroll companies and contacts.
  • Customer Agent: This agent acts as a customer support rep through chat, and uses AI along with your database and website content to help customers with issues in real time.

Breeze Intelligence

Breeze Intelligence uses large language models (LLMs) and artificial intelligence (AI) to unify data from public data, data from third-party vendors, and data from across the internet. HubSpot normalizes and categorizes data we collect to create up-to-date company and buyer profiles. The B2B dataset has over 200 million buyer and company profiles and continuously refreshed data.

Breeze Intelligence is made up of three key features:

  • Data enrichment
  • Buyer intent
  • Form shortening

Content From Relevant Sessions

There were so many sessions that it was hard to keep track of everything that was going on. Here are a few sessions that our team attended, as well as notes about the content.

Unleashing Success: The Winning Formula with HubSpot- Education Session by Rob Erfurt

This session gave insights for anyone looking for new sales tactics for their teams. Mainly focusing on getting your Account Executives to use your CRM Tools.

The Winning Formula: full detailed notes here

  • Story
  • People
  • Curriculum
  • Tech Stack
  • Methodology

AI-First Marketing with Open AI by Dane Vahey

This session focused on the advantages of an AI-first marketing and sales strategy using a multi-modal approach. 

Key Takeaways: You can view the full detailed notes here

  • Ways in which you can use AI tools in your business today
    • Research
    • Data Analysis
    • Content Creation
    • Automation and Coding
    • Use it as a thinking partner
    • Use AI as a Reasoning Thinking partner

Best Practices for Unlocking the Power of Integrated Data by Jasmine Sarkhazi and David Benson

This session focused on the importance of connected data for GTM teams, and provided attendees with strategies for eliminating silos and making the most of your team's data.

You can view the notes on this session here.

Your Integrated Data Strategy:

  • Building your framework and Identifying data needs
  • Identifying Key Metrics
  • Mapping your Tech Stack
  • Choosing the right integration tools
  • Why Integrated Data Matters

Relevant Links

Inbound 2024 showcased HubSpot's ongoing commitment to revolutionizing how businesses operate, with AI taking center stage in transforming marketing, sales, and customer service strategies. Whether you're looking to optimize your content creation, improve customer support, or better understand your target market, the innovations introduced this year have the potential to significantly enhance your business processes.

As always, our team is here to guide you through these changes and help you leverage HubSpot’s latest advancements to achieve your goals. Reach out to us if you have any questions or want to dive deeper into any of these updates. Let's continue to innovate and grow together. Set up some time to chat here!