How to solve 5 Sales and Marketing Issues with HubSpot Workflows

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Workflows are one of HubSpot’s most powerful tools, but sadly very few HubSpot users know how to get the most out of them. If you feel like you're one of those users, I don't blame you—HubSpot workflows can be intimidating. I typically find it most useful to work backward from a problem to build a custom solution in HubSpot to address that specific problem.

Here are a few common problems sales and marketing teams run into, and some workflows that can help you solve them:

Problem: My team struggles to get consistent marketing messaging to our potential customers

Solution: Lead Nurturing Workflows

Rather than manually reaching out to leads, you can set up HubSpot workflows to automatically nurture them based on their interactions with your content or website. For example, when a visitor submits a form, opens an email, or views a specific page, workflows can enroll these leads into a personalized email series. This ensures leads are always being guided through the sales funnel without needing your constant attention.

Your first steps: Begin by segmenting your prospects and contacts and then map out a nurture plan (like below) so that you can start creating assets and visualizing your workflow before actually building in HubSpot. Use HubSpot or custom properties to divide your contacts in a way that makes sense for your business, then build your workflows with custom messaging based on those properties!

Problem: Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) are cold by the time they get to sales

Solution: Lead Scoring with Assignment Workflows

Once you have lead scoring in place, HubSpot workflows become even more powerful. You can create workflows that automatically assign leads to the right sales representatives based on their score, ensuring the most qualified leads get immediate attention. Additionally, workflows can trigger automatic follow-ups with contacts who meet specific criteria, such as reaching a certain score or engaging with key content. For sales teams, workflows can suggest next steps, like scheduling a call or sending a targeted email, helping them stay organized and move leads through the sales funnel efficiently.

Your first steps: Once you have set up lead scoring, workflows inside of HubSpot can add the next step in the process to make sure hot leads stay that way. Collaboration between marketing and sales will be key in this step to ensure the lead score is dialed in and the automated sales actions are aligned. Use triggers like the above to enroll a contact, assign them to a salesperson (randomly or based on specific properties, like territory) and remind your sales team to follow up!

Problem: My team doesn’t check HubSpot enough and sales get lost and forgotten

Solution: Internal Notification Workflows

Avoid letting important milestones disappear by setting up internal notifications. HubSpot workflows allow you to notify your team instantly when a lead becomes sales-qualified, when a deal progresses, or when a customer submits a support ticket. This real-time communication ensures your team can follow up quickly and efficiently, keeping your response times razor-sharp.

Your first steps: Create a stale deal notification by recreating the workflow below. This will help your sales team stay accountable and follow up with deals that need help or get stuck in the process. Any date-based property inside of HubSpot can be used this way, so consider using properties like “last activity date” or “close date” to trigger internal reminders to your team.

Problem: My sales team’s follow up is inconsistent

Solution: Deal and Task Automation

One of the most useful features of HubSpot workflows is deal and task automation. You can set up workflows that automatically create deals or assign tasks when certain conditions are met. For example, if a lead reaches a specific score or engages with a key piece of content, HubSpot can automatically create a deal or assign follow-up tasks to your sales team.

Your first steps: Depending on your use cases it can be helpful to set up workflows that add tasks when a deal moves into a specific stage. For example (see above) when a deal enters the “Presentation Scheduled” stage the deal owner will be given two tasks spread out by a 3 day delay. These tasks can help your team stay consistent and on top of their day-to-day work without having to remember to constantly set up follow up tasks.

Problem: After our sales team closes the customer never hears from them again

Solution: Customer Onboarding and Retention Workflows

Don’t let your new customers feel abandoned after they’ve made a purchase. Throughout the sales process they have built trust with the sales team and too often that trust is squandered because the sales team has to get on to the next sale. Make sure the transition to customer success is smooth by using HubSpot workflows to help you set up an automated onboarding process. This helps to ensure that every new customer receives a welcome email, educational content, and periodic follow-ups to gather feedback. These workflows not only streamline onboarding but also help increase long-term customer retention.

Your first step: Figure out what kind of content that your customers need right after they purchase your product or service and build out HubSpot emails with that in it. Use filters like the above example to ensure that you are targeting your new customers with the content they need. In the end, automating post-purchase engagement enhances the customer experience and keeps them coming back for more, all while reducing manual workload for your team.

Final Thoughts

By incorporating HubSpot workflows into your everyday operations, you’ll not only save time but also boost your team’s productivity and performance.

Ready to get started but not sure where to begin? Let Pyxis Growth Partners build out the perfect workflows for your business! Schedule a time with our team, and we’ll help you design and implement custom HubSpot workflows that streamline your processes and drive growth. Click here to set up a consultation and start automating your success today!