3 Reasons to Use HubSpot Academy for your Team

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3 reasons to use hubspot academy

Without fail, whenever September rolls around, I feel the inevitable subtle sense of dread that school is starting again. It doesn't matter that I am an adult; I still feel like I have an assignment worth half of my grade for a class that I haven't started.

Pop quiz! What percentage of employees with poor training will leave the company within the first year? The answer: 40%, according to a leading professional learning company.

Your company cannot afford to shortchange your employees when it comes to continuous learning. So grab your Lightning McQueen backpack and your snazzy "first day of school" outfit, because today we are diving into the top three reasons you need to be using HubSpot Academy with your team!

1. You can build customized trainings by role

By creating HubSpot Academy Playlists, you can tailor training specifically for different roles within your organization. For example, marketing team members can benefit from playlists focused on content marketing, SEO, and campaign management. Sales team members can access playlists that emphasize lead generation, sales strategies, and CRM best practices. Similarly, service team members can engage with content related to customer support, ticket management, and service excellence. Playlists allow you to curate and customize a learning path that aligns with each team member's role, ensuring they receive the most relevant training to enhance their skills and contribute effectively to their specific area of expertise.

Here are some examples of HubSpot Marketing Playlists:

2. Onboard your team members to HubSpot with consistency and ease

Onboarding new team members can be streamlined and standardized through HubSpot Academy. By using HubSpot’s comprehensive training resources, you can ensure that every new hire receives consistent training on your company's tools and processes. Create an onboarding program that includes essential HubSpot Academy courses, such as Setting Up Your CRM for Success and Introduction to Inbound Marketing. This approach not only speeds up the learning curve for new employees but also ensures they start with a solid foundation of HubSpot knowledge. With structured onboarding through HubSpot Academy, you can provide a seamless and effective introduction to your team’s technology and best practices.

Giving your new employees the time and space to work on HubSpot Academy courses can provide them with a broad knowledge of using HubSpot. They can complete these courses asynchronously, and when it comes to how your specific team uses HubSpot, they will already be able to navigate the portal with ease.

HubSpot is constantly updating its tools, so by using HubSpot Academy for training, you don’t have to worry about your own materials becoming outdated. HubSpot consistently updates their Academy courses as new features are released, ensuring you always have the most current information.

3. Upskill your team beyond HubSpot knowledge

HubSpot Academy offers more than just training on HubSpot tools; it provides valuable insights and skills that extend beyond the platform itself. Encourage your team to explore advanced courses and certifications in areas like content strategy, inbound marketing, and sales techniques. By investing in these additional learning opportunities, you help your employees develop a broader skill set that enhances their overall professional capabilities. This continuous learning approach not only keeps your team updated with the latest industry trends but also empowers them to apply new strategies and techniques that drive innovation and performance within your organization. HubSpot Academy can be a key resource for fostering a culture of growth and excellence in your team.

Here are some amazing certifications that can upskill your team with knowledge that goes beyond working within the HubSpot software:

These are just a few of HubSpot’s incredible certifications that can help you and your team stay current with the latest trends, advance in their careers, and optimize how you use HubSpot.

Incorporating HubSpot Academy into your professional development strategy can significantly enhance your team’s skills and performance, whether through customized role-specific training, seamless onboarding, or advanced upskilling. By leveraging these powerful tools, you position your organization for greater success and a more skilled workforce. If you're ready to implement a comprehensive HubSpot training system and need expert guidance to get started, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is ready to help you tailor a training solution that meets your unique needs and drives your team’s growth.