How to connect your LinkedIn account to Twitter - 3 easy steps

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As marketer's we sometime forget that many professionals are just starting to adopt social media into their daily activity. We have developed this special area of content to provide social media tips for small businesses.

A client recently asked me how to automate Twitter from her LinkedIn account. My reply, "It's easy let me show you the steps". So here we go:

Step 1 - Get Started

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Step 2 - Manage your Twitter Settings. Do consider the options. How do you use your Twitter account. If you primarily use for business it's ok to select the option to share all Tweets to LinkedIn. If you are going to use it for both personal and business, we recommend you select the option to share only the Tweets with the hashtag #in. If you select this option you have to remember to type #in at the beginning of your Tweet.


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Step 3 - Authorize Access

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More Resources

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We hope you found these quick tips helpful. Feel free to send us your question or better yet take advantage of our free 30 minute social media consultation.

